
Originally Published: 2016-07-30

I wanted to check all the files (Music, Movies, TV Shows) in my iTunes library for DRM, but all the solutions I found with cursory Googling involve manually checking the media info from the iTunes GUI instead of something which can be done in batch from the command line.

Looking at the mediainfo1 output for various DRM’d files, I noticed the common denominator for iTunes-DRM’d files was the AppleStoreAccount field. So we can just fgrep for the presence of this field in mediainfo’s output, and if the command succeeds the file is DRM-protected.

From inside your iTunes Library folder, you can list all files that have iTunes DRM with something like this:

find . -type f | while read file; do \
  mediainfo $file | fgrep AppleStoreAccount > /dev/null; \
  if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo $file; fi; \
done > ~/drmfiles.txt

Edit: After running this, I noticed that some music files have the AppleStoreAccount field but don’t actually have iTunes DRM. It seems like, for music, files ending in the .m4p extension have iTunes DRM while .m4a files will not.


  1. You can install the mediainfo command line interface on a Mac with brew install mediainfo if you have Homebrew installed.