Luceria/Noukeria (Apoulon)

Creators: I.E.M. Edlund Berry, A.M. Small — last modified 2017-05-20T01:04:31Z
Contributors: Edlund Berry, I., A. Small, DARMC, R. Talbert, S. Gillies, J. Åhlfeldt, J. Becker, T. Elliott
Copyright © The Creators, Contributors, Ancient World Mapping Center, and Institute for the Study of the Ancient World.
Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by) .

Luceria/Noukeria (Apoulon) was originally a Daunian city. It was named as a Colonia Togata in 320 B.C. and came to play a significant role in the Second Punic War. Constans II sacked the town in A.D. 663.

Place type:

settlement, amphitheatre, fort

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