
Creators: N. Purcell — last modified 2017-09-03T02:32:28Z
Contributors: Purcell, N., R. Talbert, S. Gillies, T. Elliott, J. Becker
Copyright © The Creators, Contributors, Ancient World Mapping Center, and Institute for the Study of the Ancient World.
Sharing and remixing permitted under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (cc-by) .

Corbio was an ancient city of Latium located on the northeastern flank of the Alban Hills, although its precise location is no longer secure. This Latin city is said to have fallen to the Aequi and then been the subject of contention between the Aequi and the Romans, ultimately recaptured by the latter after Cincinnatus' victory at Mons Algidus in 458 B.C.

Place type:

unlocated, settlement

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